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Be Stormwater Smart

Our small everyday actions can add to become big problems or big solutions.  Do your part by following some of these tips!

More information is available on our For Residents resource page.

Summer Stormwater Tips Final.png

PICK UP AFTER YOUR PET- stormwater transfers E. Coli from pet waste into surface water.  Keep canoeing and swimming safe by properly disposing of pet waste.

REDUCE SALT USAGE- driveway salt can increase chloride levels in surface waters and become toxic to wildlife at high levels.  Use sparingly, or find a more safe alternative.

USE A COMMERCIAL CAR WASH- washing your car in the driveway can send grease, oils, fuel, soap and dirt into storm drains and into rivers.  Car wash facilities have special drains and dirty wash water is treated.

MULCH MOW LEAVES- excess leaves can clog street drains.  This can cause flooding, and decaying plants also rob surface water of oxygen, harming aquatic life.  Mulch them with your lawn mower and let them fertilize your lawn.  Otherwise, rake them and bag them so they don't blow into storm drains. 

GARDEN SAFE- lawn pesticides harm aquatic life, and fertilizers can cause algae to overgrow and destroy river habitats.  Limit usage or use environmentally friendly alternatives when possible.  Also consider installing a rain garden to help capture and infiltrate runoff. 

USE A RAIN BARREL- the more water you keep from the drains, the better.  Attach a rain barrel to your gutter system and use it to water your plants.

CLEAN YOUR SEPTIC- keep your septic system well maintained. Septic systems can leach E. Coli into the watershed.

REPORT POLLUTERSif you see someone illegally dumping into storm drains, know what to do!  Alert your municipality of illegal activity.

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